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Southdean is a private estate and as a result all infrastructure within the bounds of the estate needs to be maintained and paid for by the estate owners.

All property owners on the Southdean Estate are members of Southdean Estate Limited. This is a Company limited by guarantee, which owns the roads on the estate. The Company is responsible for maintaining and refurbishing these roads when required. The Directors of the Company are elected at the AGM by estate owners.

The Company collects an annual Road Charge which is currently (2024) set at £135 per annum per property on the estate. The amount of the annual road charge is proposed by the Company Directors and agreed at the AGM each year. All fully paid up owners are entitled to attend the AGM and vote.

Payment of the Road Charge is a legal obligation of the owners in order to maintain and renew the roads, verges, and twittens* in a good and safe condition. The Directors of Southdean Estate Limited are obliged to collect payments from all owners and will take whatever legal steps are
required to ensure that these payments are collected.

*In Sussex, a twitten is a footpath or alleyway. These can be found on Southdean Drive and Southdean Close.


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